
August 14, 2022


  1. Wednesday Central sign ups are open. This is going to be great, so reserve your spot now as we seek to build one another up in Christ our Redeemer. Visit leidyschurch.org/Wednesday to learn more and sign up.
  2. Prayer Card Sunday is September 18t. Parents, we need a picture of your cute and adorable children. Please email the photos of your children to the office by
  3. SLMT Work Week Two takes place this week. Pray for all involved, from those working in the kitchen, climbing scaffolding, cutting lumber, replacing windows and much more. It might also be appropriate to pray for good weather as it seems there’s a good chance of rain on Monday and Tuesday. If you would like to help support this effort financially, just use a Second Mile offering envelope from the pew rack, check the box for SLMT, and drop it in the offering plate.
  4. Sunday in the Shade is two weeks from today. Our worship service will be held on the parsonage lawn beginning at 10. Please bring chairs or blankets, as well as your favorite lawn games (exp. beanbag, bocce, etc). Park in the ball fields and come on over! Lunch will be barbecue chicken, beans, chips, applesauce, & watermelon. Check the sign-up sheet in the narthex to see where you would be able to help.
  5. Summer Reading: We have read Respectable Sins. Next Sunday, at 4:00, there will be a discussion on the book. Come and let us think together about how we can follow Jesus more closely.
  6. It’s Choir Time Again: If you’re interested in joining in the joyful song, or just what choir is all about, please join our first practice in the Choir Room at 8:00, Wednesday, September 7. If you have any questions, see Gary or Nancy. Hope to see you then!”
  7. New Precept Study begins September 8 at 9 am. Join us for an in-depth study of 1 Thessalonians. This semester, learn the principles of exemplary Christian living and how to be a light in a dark world. Class meets in Rm. 118. Workbook $16.00/Contact Verna 215-237-1370.
  8. Every Sunday is a guest Sunday at Leidy’s Church. September 11, 18, & 25 are three services set aside specifically to welcome friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to the gospel of Christ and our church family. Start thinking now about who you will bring.
  9. Hope springs eternal, but only if it is a Hope in Christ. The Next Hope Explored is starting September 26 at the Broad Street Grind. Come and hear of the hope we have in Christ. Bring those who need to hear the gospel and the new life it brings.
  10. The flowers are placed by Dave and Lorraine Reich to the glory of God.
  11. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is around the corner. If you usually do a Samaritan’s Purse box, now is the time to get great deals on school supplies.
  12. IN NEED OF HOUSING – The Yagilnicky’s are in need of housing by the end August. It can be short or long term. Call or text Steve at 215-723-0263.

Prayer Points

Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.

  • The third year of outreach ministry to the Erukula people is underway. That means a new literacy program is running full speed ahead. Two hours a night, five days a week, 150 Erukula folk are learning how to read, write, and do basic math functions. They’re also learning a lot about hygiene, interpersonal communications, family relations, and other fundamental areas of life. All this teaching is done using the Bible and Bible-based curricula. Our prayer is that foremost among all the things learned or experienced will be the reality of new life through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. In that regard, it might be good to use Psalm 119:175 as a reality to be sought for each individual in the literacy program. Here’s what it says: Let my soul live that it may praise You, And let Your ordinances help me.
  • Give thanks for significant peace developments in Chad amongst warring tribes and rebel groups. More than 30 rebel and opposition factions signed a peace pact on August 8. Pray that peace will continue, thus allowing Christ-followers to share the good news of Jesus more freely and with safety. Pray for the eight Program Directors who will be equipped in the upcoming Global Discipleship Training August 19-29. Pray that God’s calling for each one will be strengthened as they prepare for and lead local Global Discipleship Training Programs in the coming months followed by outreach to unreached areas of Chad. The Lord’s justice will dwell in the desert, his righteousness live in the fertile field. The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. [Isaiah 32:16-18]

Birthdays & Anniversaries

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Alice Forst, Andy Tawney, Lillian DiLenge 18th; Gary Brown 19t; Larry Anders, Zigrida Gift, Tim Leidy, Bonnie St. Onge 22; Jenny Lafty, Astrid Rau, Bob Shafer 23; Julia Martindell 24.
  • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Shaun and Meghann Permar 18t.

Sign up for the Leidy’s Weekly Newsletter by emailing office@leidyschurch.org or go to www.leidyschurch.org