- Leidy’s Lunch Bunch: “Seniors” bring your friends to a picnic themed lunch on Tuesday, May 24t at 11:30. Sign-up in the narthex. Contact the office with questions or to get transportation.
- Hope Explored, a course for those wanting to brush up on Christian basics, or those with questions about Christianity continues for the next two weeks beginning at 7:45pm at the Broad Street Grind.
- Vacation Bible School: God is a good God and great designer! Kids K-5th Grade come to VBS June 20-24. See Pastor Michael or the welcome desk for more info.
- A Fellowship Luncheon happens next Sunday the 22nd. Everyone is invited to stay and enjoy a good meal with friends and soon-to-be friends! Come, relax and enjoy some fellowship time together.
- Plans continue to start a Classical Christian School at Leidy’s Church. Get further information from the church office.
- A great big “Thank You” to all who helped make this week’s Rummage Sale a success. We made $7,935 and more is coming in.
- We rejoice with Kyla Green, Brad Peck, and Clinton Radcliff as they are baptized into the Christian faith this morning.
- Adult Sunday School: Are studying Spiritual Gifts in Room 111, Issues & Answers: Makers of the Modern Revolution by Carl Trueman led by Steve Radcliff and Dave Reich will go through June 12th; Women’s Sunday School: Continues with a book by David Jeremiah.
- Food, Fellowship, Family Fun - Leidy’s Church is hosting a meal and concert June 9th. Indelible Grace will provide the music which will start at 7pm. Dinner will precede the concert, and childcare will be provided. Reserve your spot at
- Looking for help understanding the Christian faith? Visit Matthias Media for books and other materials to help you understand Christian faith and how to share that with others,
- Ladies and Mothers come together for a night off. The men will watch the kids on Friday, June 10t from 6:30-9:00 at church. Enjoy fellowship or just some peace and quiet.
- Calling all Graduates: We are recognizing those who have graduated or will graduate this June. If you know a graduate, contact the office with their name and future plans ASAP.
- Primary Election is this Tuesday. Don’t forget to make your voice heard. Also, since Leidy’s Church is a polling place, this means that from Monday afternoon through Tuesday evening the Fellowship Hall will be reserved for voting and the preparations.
- Summer Vacation Reading: We will be reading Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges so that we may grow in Christlikeness, even at the beach. Cost is $12.00 Please contact the office.
- The flowers today are placed by Walt and Linda Gehman in honor of their 53r anniversary.
Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.
- The Bible calls folk to ponder, that is, to consider what life is all about and from whence do the standards of life come. As we pray for the 12 Church Planters working among the Erukula people in India, this week we might use Psalm 119:15 as a foundation. I will meditate on Your precepts, And regard Your ways. As they minister, they will meet all manner of life problems and issues among the Erukula people. As they ponder particular passages of Scripture, may the Holy Spirit show them how to apply God’s truths as they minister to particular individuals or families or villages. May the same be true for us as well.
- Chad and Niger each face difficult days. According to the United Nations’ Human Development Index, Niger is the poorest country in the world. Chad still is under a transitional government since the death of her President over year ago and there is mounting unease. Praise God, that in each of these countries there are indigenous Christians who steadfastly labor to bring the light of the Lord Jesus to communities and tribes who have never heard His name. As we pray for them – daily or otherwise – ask the Lord to give them revelatory insight regarding how to share Gospel Truth, thus bringing hope in the face of dire poverty and peace in the face of turbulent times.
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Steve Paine 21; Elizabeth Jo LeFever 22n; Kevin Curcio, Bailey Kinney, Calvin Radcliff 23; Shaun Permar 25.
- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Mike and Deb Hughes, Dave and Marcy Kirkpatrick 19t; Jim and Janice Kulp 21; David and Vicki Freed, Ron and Jenn Malone 25.
THE MISSION COMMITTEE MEETS this Wednesday evening at 7 in the Conference Room.
SPECIAL OFFERING FOR UKRAINE is set for next Sunday, May 22nd. The Mission Committee is sponsoring a special offering for individuals and families in distress in Ukraine. Working through Love Cradle, the funds collected will be disbursed through the connection of local Baptist churches in Ukraine. To participate, use a Second Mile offering envelope and mark it “Help for Ukraine.”
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets this Friday at 5:30 a.m. in the Youth Room. If you have any questions speak with Dave Doran.
CONFIRMATION SUNDAY happens on Sunday, June 5th. There will be a luncheon afterwards to celebrate our confirmands. There is a registration form for the luncheon in your mailbox. Please fill it out and return to the church office.
PATTERNS OF PRAYER take place the first and third Saturdays of each month. We pray in the morning from 9 to 11 in Rm. 117. Participants are welcome to come and go as schedules permit/necessitate. This Saturday is the third Saturday of May, so we’ll be praying and you’re welcome to join us. If you have any questions or suggestions for prayer, please speak with Patricia Martindell.
PRECEPT POT-LUCK - Please join us in celebration of all that our Lord of Hosts has done through the powerful study of the book of Samuel. An evening to share a testimony, share a dish that you didn’t get to bring all-year-long and be blessed among sweet fellowship. It happens this Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
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