- If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected. Please fill out the Get Connected Card and put it in the Get Connected box on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave.
- Our sincere Christian sympathy to Barb Gehman and family at the death of her father Bill Wack. May God be with them at this time.
- Come, give thanks at our Thanksgiving Eve service this Wednesday evening. It begins at 7:00. Begin your Thanksgiving celebration in worship with God’s people.
- The sacrament of Holy Communion will be shared during the service of worship next Sunday.
- Advent workshop happens next Sunday, make sure to sign-up for the craft you want before all the spaces are taken. Samples of crafts are on the table outside the F.H. along with a sign-up for each. Please bring a dessert to share. If you have any questions, contact the church office.
- A.S.I.S. invites you to a Christmas Brunch on Thursday, Dec. 1s from 11:00-1:00. R.S.V.P. via the signup on the rthex wall.
- Join us for Christmas Musical Concerts on Dec.& the 18t at 7:30, and on the 11 at 6:00 for a service on the meaning of Christmas. Come, hear, sing as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
- Many thanks from Ed and Darlene Schmidt for the card shower in honor of their 40 wedding anniversary. “We were overwhelmed, affirmed, assured of God’s love and care for us through our family of so many brothers and sisters in Christ. We love you all.”
- Anyone signed up or interested in being part of the Souderton Parade float should grab their coffee and treats after church and come to the fellowship hall for a quick 10 minute meeting to go over logistics for the day and opportunities to get involved!
- A Judgement House debrief (45-60 min, with snacks!) will happen after the service in the Fellowship Hall - anyone who participated in any way is invited to come share their feedback!
- Grace Notes Choir would like to thank April Hemmerle for teaching us American Sign Language for our song this morning!
- The chancel flowers are placed by Don and Dianne Nase giving praise to God for 55 years of marriage.
Prayer Points
Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.
- As Jesus taught in the parable about the house built on the sand compared with the house built on the rock, foundations matter. The foundation for every Christian, including among the Erukula people, has two primary focal points. Psalm 119:142 sets the out: Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, And Your law is truth. As we pray for the Erukula believers this week, let’s pray they will know their salvation is founded on the righteousness of the Lord Jesus which is imputed to them on the basis of faith. It is a righteousness that will stand every storm. Also, let’s pray they will trust God’s Word above every other word they may hear. It is from God’s Word alone that true Truth comes. While we’re at it, let’s pray the same thing for us!
- A perfect storm has hit Chad and Niger. We can pray this week just as we prayed last week. Rebel fighting has resulted in hundreds of refugees. The flooding that continues to be present has displaced millions of acres of farms and families. Last year’s harvest was low because of reduced availability of fertilizer. Now, millions are facing a year where they do not know from whence their food will come. All this makes for conditions that will allow Christians wanting to help in this emergency be welcomed among the people. As Chadian and Niger Christians brings aid to those in need, they also will bring the food that endures to eternal life, that is, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for their wisdom and compassion and boldness in the Lord to result in life and eternal life for many. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things. (Isaiah 52:7/Romans 10:15)
This Week at Leidy's
12:00pm – Y.R./Gym Resvd.
5:00pm – Concert Rehearsal
6:30pm – Youth Group
8:30am – Homeschool
4:00pm – Gym Resvd.
4:00pm – Rm. 111 Resvd.
7:00pm – Outreach Mtg. – C.R.
12:00pm – Gym Resvd.
7:30pm – Sanctuary Resvd.
7:00pm – Thanksgiving Service
8:30pm – Sanctuary Resvd.
2:00pm – Gym Resvd.
8:45am – Sunday School
10:00am – Worship Service
12:00pm – Small Group – Rm. 211
4:00pm – Advent Workshop
6:30pm – Youth Group
Looking Ahead
- December 3: Souderton Christmas Parade
- December 4: Christmas Brass Concert @7:30pm
- December 11: Nine Lessons & Carols by Candlelight @6pm
- December 18: Christmas Concert @7:30pm
- December 24: Carols by Candlelight @6pm, Communion Service @11pm
- April 22, 2023: SLMT Auction
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