
September 11, 2022


  1. Our huge thanks to Dave Doran for his many years of service as our custodian. We wish the Doran family well as they move to Penn Valley Church where Dave begins his new job as the custodian there.
  2. Our sincere Christian sympathy to Janice Peterman and family at the death of her husband, Bob on Friday. May God be with them at this time.
  3. Guest services 18, 25, and Oct. 2. Bring family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers to hear the Gospel.  Start thinking about who. You can invite!
  4. Hope Explored starts again on Monday Sept. 26th. Join us at the Broad Street Grind at 7:45 p.m. for coffee and conversation about our hope in Christ.
  5. This Wednesday begins our Wednesday Central/iBLAST. Meal is at 5:45, teaching starts at 6:30.  It’s not too late to sign -up!
  6. Pastor Jeff Pike’s installation at 6 p.m. on 2. Join us for this service on World Communion Sunday.  The Lord’s Supper will be served.
  7. Please continue pray for the search committee for pastor to youth and children as they receive applications and interview candidates.
  8. There will be baptisms on Sunday Oct. 9th. If you have not been baptized but would like to, please speak with one of the pastors.
  9. Calling all parents! Parenting conference at Leidy’s Church Oct. 14 & 15.  Bill Farley, author of Gospel Powered Parenting, will help us think about raising children and grandchildren.
  10. We are looking to appoint a new Grounds & Facilities’ Manager to begin work in October. If you would be interested in this role please email Jeff Schatz.
  11. Senior’s Fall Feast happens on Thursday, Oct. 6th from 11:30 to 1:30 in the fellowship hall. Sign-up on the sheet in the narthex.
  12. Youth Fellowship starts again tonight (6:30- 8:30). Youth 6-12 grade are invited to come for fellowship, devotions, and encouragement.
  13. Come and hear the Tyson’s give a mission update in Issues & Answers on 18.
  14. Church clean-up this Saturday morning from 8-12. Bring your tools and let’s get to work.
  15. The flowers are placed by Sherman and Karen Focht in praise and thanks to God for their many blessings of children, and grandchildren in their 59 years of marriage.

Prayer Points

Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.

  • After one has experienced regeneration, it is impossible for such a person not to love and adhere to the Word of God. While that may be impossible, it is not unchallenged! The Erukula believers in India who have come to faith in the last couple of years face persistent threats to that faith. Such opposition comes from accusatory thoughts from the devil, from demeaning comments from neighbors and family, from an inner realization of how prone to sin one still is, and a bevy of other sources. But, here’s the thing, the Word of the Lord will sustain them. Let’s pray this week that Erukula believers will experience the ongoing reality of Psalm 119:93. I will never forget Your precepts, For by them you have revived me. May this verse be hallmark of our lives as well.
  • Pray for Tim Bentch as he ministers in Lagos, Nigeria leading a Worship Leader Training Conference for folk from throughout west-central Africa. Also, continue to pray for the Global Disciples Directors Training that will take place in Burkina Faso beginning September 26. This will result in multiplication of training programs across Burkina Faso with many disciples trained and sent to share the good news of Jesus. Pray for Global Disciples staff in French speaking West Africa as they recruit and prepare for this new initiative. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” Romans 10:13-14

Birthdays & Anniversaries

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Esther Davis 15th; Nicholas Keeble 16t; Andrew Camuso, Gladys Fisher, Priscilla Martindell 17; Kathy Payne 18t; Caleb DiLenge 20.
  • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Andrew and Carly Camuso 18t; Gary and Karen Brown, Ken and Connie Merritt 19.

Additional Announcements

  • DON AND I would just like to express our appreciation to our church family for the prayers, concerns, and cards that we received during our time of illness and recovery.  You are all very special to us and we are so grateful. Also thank you to the meal ministry for the delicious soup and pork dinners. And lastly for the many prayers that were offered for Don’s sister, she is cancer free and has most of her range of motion back, she still has to regain some strength in that arm.
  • THE PA MARCH FOR LIFE takes place next Monday, September 19t. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the battle to save preborn babies from abortion now focuses on local statehouses across the country, including Harrisburg. A bus will be leaving from Leidy’s Church on the 19 at 7:30am. Cost for the trip is $20 p/person. Sponsored by BMCE, the bus will take participants to Harrisburg for the Rally and March, then head back home, arriving back in our parking lot around 4. Seating is limited and time is short, so call the church office sooner rather than later to make your reservations.
  • THE MISSION COMMITTEE meets this Thursday evening at 7pm in the Conference Room.