- Discipleship Explored, a conversational study of God concludes this Tuesday, it begins at 7:45 in the Youth Room. Coffee and refreshments will be provided.
- Youth Summer Pool Party Kick-off happens today at 4:00 at the home of Josh and Laura Heebner, 2775 Hedrick Rd., Harleysville. Food will be provided. As a reminder, girls and guys should wear appropriate swimsuits. Parents, make sure to pick up the schedule for Youth Events.
- There will be a Fellowship Luncheon today after the worship service. All are welcome to attend.
- Prayer Card Sunday is September 18t. Parents, we need you take a picture of your cute and adorable children. Please email the photos of your children to the office by August 15t.
- Ladies Night to Connect – This Friday evening at 7pm in the Youth Room. All ladies are welcome to join as we get together to eat some glorious treats and just talk. Ladies of Leidy's is hosting, but there won’t be a program - we just want to create space to connect! So if you're a lady and you go to Leidy's, join us! You can bring something to share or just bring yourself!
- Confirmation pictures are in, and they look great! Stop in the office and pick yours up.
- Over the next few weeks we will be holding meetings to listen to one another, communicate the vision, and take and answer questions. The dates are Saturday, July 16 at 9am; Thursday, July 21 at 7pm; Sunday, July 24 at 8:45am; and Tuesday, July 26 at 7pm. These meetings will be in the Fellowship Hall with coffee and doughnuts The meeting on July 16 will be livestreamed.
- Get to WORK! The 2022 SLMT project and dates are set. July 25-29 and August 15-19 will be work weeks with Life Turning Point in Philly. Signup for these work teams in the Narthex.
- Are you ready for some baseball? Leidy’s Church is headed to the IronPigs vs. Wilkes-Barre Railriders on Saturday, July 23r. There will be someone in the narthex for you to sign-up to purchase your ticket.
- Thank you from Sherman Focht for the prayers, cards, and concerns on his behalf since his surgery.
- The flowers today are given by Terry and Darlene Leidy in honor of their wedding anniversary.
Prayer Points
Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.
- Here is a fresh testimony from an Erukula convert: “I am born Hindu. . . living in utter poverty and feel that living is useless. . . Pastor P distributed books about Jesus Christ. . . I was drawn to the Word of God. . . I invited Pastor P to my family [home]. . . we believed in Jesus completely. . . my relatives did not accept us and my neighbors scorned at us for becoming Christians. . . we did not bend down to their scorn. . . we are living happily in God’s presence in our lives. . . we are happy we have come to know Christ and His saving grace and salvation.” Praise God for that testimony! As Erukula people become Christians they do face scorn and opposition. Let’s pray for them this week using Psalm 119:51 as our diving board: The arrogant utterly deride me, Yet I do not turn aside from Your law. May it be so for them and for us.
- Pray for the upcoming Global Disciples Directors Training in Chad that will take place August 1 – 10. 8 to 12 disciples will be trained to be Program Directors for Global Disciples Trainings owned and overseen by local clusters of churches. Each local training will have 8 to 15 participants. The Program Directors will train disciples who will go on outreach to areas of Chad that are the least-reached with the gospel. Pray that God will call strong leaders to take part in the DT and empower them with the Holy Spirit to train and send many others. Pray that many new churches will be planted through those who will be trained. After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of Him to every town and place He was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Luke 10:1-2
Birthdays & Anniversaries
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Navi Hager 14t; Emily Jones, Catriona Lockman 16; Frank Bivighouse 17t; Judi Weiss 1; Rich Hughes 19t; Adam Foote 20.
- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! James and Danielle Mylin 19t.
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