
January 22, 2023


  1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected. Please fill out the Get Connected Card and put it in the Get Connected box on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave.
  2. Night to Shine is February 10th. We are welcoming 150 special needs folks to the church for an evening of fun and fellowship. We need your help as buddies, set-up team, parking lot team, welcome team, limo team, respite and a whole lot more. Go to leidyschurch.nighttoshine.com or contact the church office.
  3. There is still time to join Wednesday Central and iBlast. Please go to leidyschurch.org to register as kids spend the term looking at wisdom and the adults look at gospel work, gospel family, gospel assurance and gospel prayer.
  4. Life is full of highs and lows. At times it can seem overwhelming. God has given us a songbook for the warp and woof of life. The Ladies Sunday School class is looking at the Psalms, they meet in Room 125.
  5. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.
  6. We are now taking donations for the SLMT Auction. Slips are in the mailboxes. Be thinking of what to donate and get ready to raise your hands.
  7. Night to Shine volunteer meeting happens next Sunday at 1:00 in the sanctuary.
  8. Wanted Gently Used Bras (including sports, nursing and camisoles) Why bras? There is a strong demand for used clothing in poorer countries. They are easy to store but complex to make, so they don’t compete with local goods. You can help bring freedom to survivors of sex trafficking. There is a box in the coat closet where you may place them.

Prayer Points

Please pray for those within our church family who are recovering.

Janie Inyang                Tim Cressman             Marj Talbot

Bonnie Doran              Dianne Nase                Janice Kulp

Sherman Focht            Karen Focht                Jim Pluda

Laurie Plank                 Donna Frueh              Sandy Deer

  • Three steps forward, two steps backward may be a good description of the Christian life of discipleship. One experiences significant growth in following the Lord and then, boom, something happens that seems to challenge and tear down that growth. That is as true for the Erukula people as it is for us. What should a Christian – whether Erukulan or American – do in such circumstances? Psalm 119:52 provides some help. I have remembered Your ordinances from of old, O Lord, and comfort myself. If we consider all of God’s dealings with His people through the centuries, we find He is a God of mercy and forgiveness. He does not give up on His people. Even Abraham when he told his wife to lie; even David when he jumped into gross sin; and even Peter the Denier! Let’s pray the Erukulan Christians and the Leidy’s Christians may experience the truth of Psalm 119:52.
  • The Annual Equipping Events [AEE] bring together Program Directors of a region for further training, encouragement, fellowship, and prayer. The AEEs are essential in seeing the Program Directors continue equipping and training others while they prepare to be self-sustaining within 3 years. They train disciples to share the gospel and plant churches among the least-reached in their regions. Pray for those who were at the Niger AEE which took place this past week from the 17th through the 20th. Chad’s AEE begins this Tuesday, the 24th, and runs through the 27th. As always, pray for safety in traveling as well as being built up in spirit and mind; pray each Program Director will be fruitful in the lives of those he disciples. I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. [Ephesians 3:17b-19]

Looking Ahead

  • February 3-5: Youth Winter Retreat
  • February 10: Night to Shine
  • April 22, 2023: SLMT Auction

Sign up for the Leidy’s Weekly Newsletter by emailing office@leidyschurch.org or go to www.leidyschurch.org