
June 12, 2022


  1. Knowing More; whether a mature Christian or an interested believer, come and join us for Discipleship Explored, a 4-week conversational study of God. It starts this Tuesday at 7:45 in the Youth Room. Coffee and refreshments will be provided.
  2. Vacation Bible School begins a week from tomorrow! Don’t delay in signing your kids up, K-5th Grade for VBS June 20-24. See Pastor Michael or the welcome desk for more info.
  3. Plans continue to start a Classical Christian School at Leidy’s Church. Get further information from the church office.
  4. The next Prayer Meeting takes place on Wednesday, June 29t from 7:00-8:15. Please join us as we pray.
  5. Want to join Leidy’s Church? An Inquirer’s Class beginning on July 10th during Sunday School is the perfect place to start. Come and join us as we Explore Partnership as Christians in the ministry of the church near and far.
  6. Patterns of Prayer take place the first and third Saturdays of each month. We pray from 9 to 11 in Rm. 117.ThisSaturday is the third Saturday of June, you’re welcome to join us.
  7. Summer Vacation Reading: We are reading Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges so that we may grow in Christlikeness, even at the beach. Cost is $12.00 Please contact the office.
  8. Get to WORK! The 2022 SLMT project and dates are set. July 25-29 and August 15-19 will be work weeks with Life Turning Point in Philly. Signup for these work teams in the Narthex.
  9. On June 16th, Jack Parry is hosting Donna Scheuren and is inviting folks to come and hear an assessment of the state of affairs in our area. Contact Jack Parry for more information.
  10. Love Cradle is in the process of filling another container to ship to Ukraine. There is an urgent need for cotton (not polyester) fabric, thread, and elastic so undergarments can be sewn for the soldiers. The container right now is already half full. If you have any supplies that meet this need, please bring to the church office ASAP.
  11. THANK YOU! John Niederhaus would like to thank the Confirmation Class students for all the work and special labors taken on during the past two years. It all turned out wonderfully well! It was a great class. Also, thanks for the very generous gift cards. The Niederhauses will be eating out and eating high on the hog for some time to come.
  12. The flowers today are given by Shaun and Meghann Permar in loving memory of Mary Permar.
  13. The Women’s Sunday School class will continue to meet through the summer months to offer sessions on how to go deeper in our prayer life. It’s easy to become distracted and overwhelmed with the many prayer needs within our families and within our world, so join us as we grow and encourage one another in what matters most—prayer.
  14. When Seasons Change – A ministry to widows in our church and community will resume in September.
  15. HEY, WAKE-UP OUT THERE! SLMT work weeks are scheduled, but the sign-up sheets are almost empty. We need workers. We need young workers. We need old workers. We need skilled workers. We need unskilled workers. In other words, we need people just like you. There is a work week in July and another work week in August. Check your schedule and see if you can join the team. Check out the June Newsletter for more details.
  16. New Life Island Christian kids' camp on the Delaware River in Erwinna, PA has a real need for young Christian counselors for their 7-week program this summer, starting June 19th. Need several young men and at least one young lady, out of high school at least one year. Paid, room and board provided. A great opportunity to be part of a wonderful experience, doing God's work. Call the camp at (610)294-9644, or email camp@nli.org

Prayer Points

Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.

  • Church planting isn’t easy, particularly in India, and particularly when it’s among unreached people that the churches are being planted. Opposition arises on every hand. It can run the gamut from stony silence to challenging arguments to hostile actions to outright physical persecution. Hence, a good prayer for our 12 Church Planters working among the Erukula unreached people group is Psalm 119:98. Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, For they are ever mine. Let’s ask God to help the Church Planters rely on His Word as they deal with opposition that may arise. May He give them that pertinent insight in each situation that arise. May they know He is ever with them and will make them competent in every situation.
  • 1.7 million people are facing emergency levels of food shortages in the Chad and Niger part of Africa according to a recently released UN study. Starvation looms large among many families. It is into just those situations that some of the Christian folk trained by Global Disciples will be taking the Bread of Life as well as bread to eat. Pray for God to lead them to the right situations, and that He would protect them as they reach out in Jesus’ name. Pray the people will have bread to eat and Bread to live by.

Birthdays & Anniversaries

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Elaine Teate 16t; Caren Elliott 17; Buck Landis, Ben Smith 18t; Lillian King, Austin Merritt, Joe Sciacca, Jane Wilson 19; Jake Niederhaus, Sandy Swartz 20t; Katie Kulp 21; Courtney Lepping 22n.
  • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Brett and Jennifer Keeble, John and Pat Niederhaus, Bob and Jill Ott 17t; Dana and Barb Gehman 19; Dave and Lorraine Reich, John and Cynthia Schilling 21s; Stewart and Patty Kendall, Alex and Ally Hager 22.

Sign up for the Leidy’s Weekly Newsletter by emailing office@leidyschurch.org or go to www.leidyschurch.org