- Wednesday Central sign ups are open. This is going to be great, so reserve your spot now as we seek to build one another up in Christ our Redeemer. Visit to learn more & sign up.
- Summer Reading: Today at 4:00 there will be a discussion on the book Respectable Sins. Come and let us think together about how we can follow Jesus more closely.
- Prayer Card Sunday is September 18th. Parents, we need a picture of your cute and adorable children. Please email the photos of your children to the office.
- Sunday in the Shade is next week! Service will be held on the parsonage lawn beginning at 10. Park in the ball fields and come on over! Lunch will be barbecue chicken, beans, chips, applesauce, & watermelon. Check the sign-up sheet in the narthex to see where you would be able to help.
- Choir Time: If you’re interested in participating in the joyful song, or just want to know what choir is all about, please join our first practice in the Choir Room at 8:00, Wednesday, September 14. Please note the change of date from last week – hope to see you then!
- Grace Notes Choir will be starting up again on Sept 14t. We will meet in the Sanctuary from 5:00-5:45 so we’ll be done in time for dinner! All kids grades 1-5 are welcome to join us! See Donna Frueh ( for more info.
- New Precept Study begins September 8 at 9 am. Join us for an in-depth study of 1 Thessalonians. This semester, learn the principles of exemplary Christian living and how to be a light in a dark world. Class meets in Rm. 118. Workbook $16.00/Contact Verna 215-237-1370.
- Every Sunday is a guest Sunday at Leidy’s Church. September 11, 18, & 25 are three services set aside specifically to welcome friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to the gospel of Christ and our church family. Start thinking now about who you will bring.
- Women’s Sunday School Class - Scripture Women begins September 18th. In this 10-session study we will take a deeper look into the lives of ten women and how their story relates to ours today. Come out every Sunday or whenever you can drop in!
- We Praise God for the SLMT ’22 week two that was carried out. Work completed was the removal of a chimney, the repairing of a roof leak, dormer wood replaced, scraping and painting, window replacement, and the preparation of other windows for replacement. Thanks to the kitchen crew for providing meals. The Carriage House at Life Turning Point has a new, neat, sharp look. There is more work to be done, but much has been accomplished. Our thanks to all who participated.
- The flowers are placed by Doug and Caren Elliott, they are so very grateful for their many blessings. Keep praying for a more peaceful world.
- OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is around the corner. If you usually do a Samaritan’s Purse box, now is the time to get great deals on school supplies.
- IN NEED OF HOUSING – The Yagilnicky’s are in need of housing by the end August. It can be short or long term. Call or text Steve at 215-723-0263.
- BMCE Business & Professional Breakfast takes place on Thursday, Sept. 8t. Special speaker with be Mark Bergey, CEO of Bergey’s Family Corporation. A full smorgasbord breakfast will be served at the Franconia Heritage restaurant in their banquet facility. The breakfast begins promptly at 6:30 and folk will be on their way by 8. Tickets are $17 p/person. You may get your ticket from Jack Parry, John Niederhaus, or the church office. More details forthcoming in the September Newsletter.
- THE EXTRA FLOWERS are placed in memory of Milton and Catherine Moyer, and Kathryn Scholl from their family.
Prayer Points
Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.
- The Holy Spirit is at work among the Erukula people in India. This marks the third year of directed evangelistic outreach among them. Many individuals and families have experienced the transforming power of the Gospel. Now there is living proof of what the Lord Jesus can do in someone’s life. That’s why there are 150 Erukula folk enrolled in the new Literacy Project. That’s why others are asking Erukula believers to explain how their lives have become so different. As all this is taking place, we can do our part by praying for the Holy Spirit to continue His work among the Erukula. Specifically, we might pray that Psalm 119:174 would be a reality in the lives of these Erukula seekers. I long for Your salvation, O Lord, And Your law is my delight. May God give the Erukula people (and the American people) such a longing.
- Another training is taking place for which we need to pray. Just this past Friday the Global Disciples Training Director’s Training (GDTDT) in Chad began. It continues for ten days through August 29. Pray that each participant will encounter Jesus in a new way and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to train others. The newly trained directors will return to their cluster of churches to initiate new training programs to send their own people to share the good news of Jesus among the least reached in Chad. The population of Chad is one of the most diverse in Africa with more than 100 languages and dialects spoken in the country. Official languages are Arabic and French. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. [Ephesians 6:19]
Birthdays & Anniversaries
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Kaitlyn VanDerbeek 26t; Naomi DiLenge, Lorraine Reich 28; James VanDerbeek 29t; Betty Hughes, Deb Hughes, Lula Kershner, Don Nase 30; Sonja Gregory 3.
- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Ben and Evangeline Smith 27th; Delton and Laurie Plank 29t; Stan and LaRue Friday 30.
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